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Get out there

It's incredible to me how flipping through this one government document brings back floods of memories within the last 5 years. 

My family always travelled and as I grew up, our family trekked all over North America in our giant family mini van. Because my family's from Hong Kong, I was flying overseas at a very young age to begin with. 

I've always travelled but I didn't really fully step into wanderlust till 2006 when I graduated uni and took off to Japan to teach English for a year. I entered a country that I had never been in, where I didn't know the language and where I didn't have any friends. It was intense, it was exhilirating and terrifying all at the same time. It pushed me out of my comfort zones (and then off the edge). I had to figure out the many things that come with moving out on your own for the first time and in a different language to boot. 

I got lost... a lot.


I found my courage. I broke out of my box. I escaped the mold I was supposed to be in. I gained so much experience and witnessed some of the most incredible, hilarious, inspiring, shocking and delightfully weird things the world had to offer. 

It didn't stop there and once I got a taste for travel, I was addicted and continue to tranverse the globe in my search for adventure, friends and to be with all the other wonderful beings that populate the world. 


The money? You'll figure it out. 

The time? You'll figure it out.


Just get out there... seriously.

The world waits for you with bated breath

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