The joys
Talking about our problems is certainly a great addiction. When we talk about our problems with friends and family, we get this immediate response of attention but it feeds back into a loop of a story that never really resolves itself.
I'm not suggesting that you bottle up the things that you really need to talk about to reach out for help but I am suggesting that you start to find a balance of what you talk about with your friends and family.
The celebration of life, your mini and large successes, the things that made you smile or laugh that day or even the thoughts that reminded you of great memories you have with special people.
What I think goes hand in hand with talking about your joys is gratitude.
SoulPancake did this great piece on the science of happiness... One of the greatest contributing factors of happiness is how much gratitude you show.
Just watch the video... And maybe go ahead and start breaking the habit!!!